If you’ve been married more than 5-7 years you know the routine. It’s a little numbing. You wonder if this is it. Oh there’s kids and that sets you up for a whole new definition of ‘tired’. It’s good but it’s fatiguing.
Where did the spark go?
The dream of a shared life and closeness that you hoped for as newlyweds fades away over time. All you have is work, TV, sleep, cleaning and yard work.
Oh, the sparks fly alright. But is this the best it gets?
Find a new dream. Find a better life.
We want to hear your dreams. I always wanted a motorcycle and my wife always wanted a cello. We settled for what the kids wanted. We hoped for better and ended up with good stuff but not the life of our dreams.
I have a feeling there are many people like us. Struggling along. Trying to feel successful.
People who live their dreams look like successes to me.
You know more about your life than we do. Life traps people and holds them back. We offer conversations to help them find a path forward.
We bring the tools and expertise to help you enjoy your family and create a living legacy.
Contact Coach Dan at WeddingLife Coach (newlyweds and beyond!)